Monday, September 1, 2008

Polls and the U.S. Presidential Elections

What is it with these polls?

There was a time when the Gallup organization was the definitive polling source. Internationally they still are the best known.

After the Democratic Convention I tried in vain to get any election poll results through the media. There were none. After three days the most that David Gergen, a commentator on CNN offered was that the results are still being tabulated and the "bounce" looks like an 8-12 point lead for Obama over McCain.

So yesterday I visited both CNN and the Gallup web sites. CNN had their so called "poll of poll" showing a tie at 47% each (taken before the convention). I then visited my (still) trusted source - Gallup and surprise, surprise; there was Obama at 49% and McCain at 41%.

There seems to be a concerted effort by most sections of the media to report a "close" race. Maybe it is good for ratings. But does this reflect 'truth' or balanced reporting?

Now last night Wolf Blitzer with the best poker face possible announced from the GOP convention floor: "This just in. The latest CNN poll has Obama -49% and McCain 48%. So there was no 'bounce' from the democratic convention for Obama. "

CNN couldn't give us any poll results for almost 5 days. Now that the GOP convention has been postponed ( some would say by act of God), they produce poll results that look and sound as if they were hurriedly put together. Who are they working for?

Are Americans this fickle? Or do they think we all are stupid.

A close election is in the interest of the republicans. Remember Gore/ Bush 2000? Remember Ohio 2004? They (the republicans) are adept at stealing elections.

They could teach any third world quasi- dictator a thing or two.

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