Friday, September 19, 2008

The Politics of Change

Some time during the recent Republican Convention, former mayor Guiliani, in a desperate attempt to justify McCain’s pick of Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate said: “we (the republicans) have it right. We have the older person at the top of the ticket and the younger person at the bottom”. I guess that is what is wrong with the Bush –Cheney administration!

These Republicans will say anything to get elected. What shocks me is their bare-faced lying. For instance: when it was pointed out by the media that Sarah Palin had fully endorsed that so-called “bridge to nowhere” before it became unpopular; and her claims now, that she told Washington “thanks but no thanks” is a little less than the truth, her ‘handlers’ replied that they were not about to change that li(n)e in her speech as ‘it had worked for them’.

The Republicans have consistently used whatever ‘works’; to hell with principles. Their main strategy is to mock or undermine Obama’s strengths. So if he pulls large crowds, they call him a celebrity. If he inspires hope, they say that he has a messianic complex. If his message and vision of change has lit a fire, they say that it is lofty but meaningless rhetoric.

Now that Sarah Palin is drawing large crowds, inspiring the Republican base and promising ‘change’ in Washington, McCain and his advisors have been exposed for what they truly are: what’s the right word? – Obama called them ‘sleazy’; other words like small minded and dishonest come to mind. A 72 year-old man who has spent the last quarter of a century in politics in Washington attempting to pass himself off as an agent of change : that has to rank as one of the greatest political sleight-of-hand in the history of U.S. presidential elections.

But what is almost funny it weren’t so pathetic, is watching McCain follow Palin around the country, like an infatuated school boy. That gave me an idea for an Obama advertisement:

Tina Fey playing Sarah Palin: the scene is a classroom filled with republicans (including McCain) as the pupils. Palin is the teacher. Palin is addressing the class (in that irritating high pitch tone of hers).

Palin: Listen up republicans; Obama’s plan will reduce taxes for those making $50k per year. Right?
Class of Republicans: Right
Palin: The citizens will also pay less taxes if they make $100k per year. Right?
Class of Republicans: Right
Palin: What about those making $150k per year?
Class of Republicans: They will pay less taxes under Obama’s plan than under our plan?
Palin: Very good class. Did you get that John?
John: I don’t get it.
Palin: Oh John you never get it, do you?

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