Saturday, August 30, 2008

The U.S. Presidential Election

My first blog.
So many things are happening in the world that will affect our united future. One of the most important is the presidential election in the U.S.
After the Bush administration squandered it's goodwill in the world by attacking Iraq, it is important that the Americans elect a leader who will at least attempt to create a world where 'might is not always right.'
Have you noticed how John McCain's answer to every question start's with "when I was a prisoner of war".
'So John McCain what do you think about sex?'
"when I was a prisoner of war..."
I think that's the problem with John McCain. He is still a prisoner of a forgotten war. My great fear is that if he ever becomes president, he will attempt to make the whole world prisoner of the wars that he is still fighting - in his head.

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