Saturday, September 6, 2008

John McCain Panicked

To be sure, Rush Limbaugh is an ignoramus on radio, and is buffoon-like when televised. He readily admits that the poison he spews over the airwaves is meant to be “entertainment”. So of late I have been imagining what fun he would have given us if it was Senator Obama’s 17 year-old un-wed daughter that was pregnant.

Would we be given a daily diatribe about his (Obama’s) inability to manage his household, so how dare he attempt to manage the country? Or perhaps the line of attack would be a nasty “baby’s momma” joke. Or would we be reminded that their family values are out of line with “mainstream America”?

After Senator Clinton and former President Clinton both ‘hit the ball out of the park’ at the Democrats convention, followed up by Senator Obama’s masterful analysis and delivery, the McCain Camp panicked. They had spent weeks stoking whatever residue of malcontent remained among Senator Clinton’s supporters. Now their Machiavellian plans were unraveling – fast.

They knew that the true reading of the recent evenly divided poll results, was not a gain for McCain but a loss for Obama, due to supporters of Clinton who were still holding out. Now with the Democrats leaving the convention energized and more united than ever, McCain panicked. Hence his hasty pick of Sarah Palin as VP. (I wonder how he would handle that 3am phone call.)

As soon as it was announced, she unashamedly went directly after Senator Clinton’s supporters: even having the gall to quote her “18 million cracks in the ceiling” line. It was laughable. I haven’t seen so much entertainment since Limbaugh said that a woman’s place is in the kitchen.

What John McCain needs to be concerned about are the 10,000 people who showed up for Ron Paul’s convention and the 38% of Republicans who say they wish their candidate for president was someone other than McCain. Your house is on fire, McCain. (But please don’t panic!)

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