Sunday, October 26, 2008

Here Comes The Circus

It is the oldest trick in the political book: in times of crisis, create a diversion. The Romans may not have invented this one, but it was certainly made famous by the Emperor Nero. It is said that while the Roman Empire crumbled, he gave the people circuses hoping no doubt to ‘turn the page’ on the current crisis.

Every day John McSame and the Republicans conjure up a new circus: the current one, twice as ridiculous as the last. This week it is “Joe The Plumber”; the week before it was William Ayers. Sometimes there are even two circuses at once: witness Palin digging up ‘old washed- up terrorists’ and Joe Six- Pack and juggling both at the same time.

To keep on offering the same millennia old politics, one has to have complete disdain for the people. The Republicans must think everyone is stupid. Was it King Louis of France, who during the revolution, when his suffering subjects asked for bread, disdainfully declared “Give them cake to eat!”? Well we know what became of him.

While the people of the US are asking for answers about what is happening to their retirement funds, their jobs, their loss of financial security the best that John McCain and Gov. Palin can offer is the same old, tired, reactionary rhetoric of the 1950’s. “Socialism” is what Senator Obama is trying to force on the country – like that which exists in Canada and Europe - they trumpet from the political podium.

The whole world must be laughing at that one. Well I guess no circus is complete without the clowns. I can’t wait for the American electorate to “turn the page” on this Republican Circus.

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